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Update - Chapters 1 - 4

Monday, February 21, 2005
Well i've actually got reading past chapter 4. The rate the rest of the class is going is to slow for me, but hey, looking on the brightside i'm way ahead of them - so i'd rather shut da fuck up and listen to class discussions, give my 2 cents to it all and get moving on with the rest of my life.

I'll leave the analysis of everything for laters but rite now i'm having a chapter analysis of 3 starting in 3 mins so am off for that. Shall blog the rest when i'm done with it Other reasons that doesn't get me all bored in class are 1)staring outta da window, day dreaming yet staying in touch with whatever's going on - ive got the gift i guess - yea! and lastly da tutor is awesome!

Last reason should be repeated once more :-D i enjoy the transfusion of western culture into modern arab ideologies!

Day 2 - First Reading

Thursday, February 03, 2005
Well, i didn't buy the text book yet for class that actually started off yesterday. Primarily, because i believe in online readin, otherwise known as ebooks. Unforutnately it really seems that the tutor requires her students to have the book present in class for group discussions, that really sucks i guess! But to hell with that cos i'll print out the ebook from the uni's printers and voila!

I'd finish the book in about 8 hrs at the max i guess if i really put my self to it, and i know i can. So i'll get around to doing it sometime soon before Saturday. Yesterday's class wasn't so good, i hadn't got my text because i never knew that she'd make us read in class - something i found a waste of time, but looking back at that, I'd have to agree with her, that would be the only way to make the kids around here read for her class. Most of the ppl hadn't got the book yet, some hadn't bought it while others forgot it at home, I ofcourse depended on my online reading habits, alas! I sat there for what seemed like ages staring out of the wondow and thinking of a way to help out the folks back home in their rebuilding efforts and post-tsunami educational institutions. Schooling bascially - the first step to rehab - well i was lost in my thoughts, tired there was this empty feeling within me that stuck on to me eversince i arrived in Bahrain last sunday.

Anyways, Reem, caught me by surprise with the following q: "Are you thinking again? " well something to the sort anyway. To which i just replied "i'm just tired" and she was like you may leave if you wish to, it's alright. But hey i didn't want to be the only person leaving - i wanted to get back to my normal self again so i just refused to leave which i thought would be unfair to the rest of the ppl in class anyway. So i stuck on - thinking about the tsunami stricken kids and waiting for the lesson to end. I enquired if she'd allow us to to this reading as a "take-home" but she was like - "can't let you out when it's not even half-an-hr' so there i was under class-arrest, so to put it. Oh well, She meant well i know. Bright side of it is that she let the entire class out 20mins less than an hr - which was a huge relief to me cos i had some time to rest while walking -weird i know - but that's just me - snatching up a minute to relax whenever i can.

Well, now i need to locate 'The Great Gatsby" under the Project Gutenberg and download my didgital copy, email it to my gmail acct, go to skool tomorrow and print it out! use it as my handouts in class and chuck it in my locker when i'm done with a class-read every lesson after.

I wonder, if any other relief volunteer who's cone out of a disaster zone has got that empty feeling just like i do - no clue to why it does exist - but it does~

i guessl - time will tell, time will heal as well.

Created For Winter 2005 Uni Course @ UCB

Tuesday, February 01, 2005
well the title says it all - basically doing a course called Critical Skills in Reading & Writing II - yes i know its sounds al so funny - i admit it certainly does - but hey i'm just doing it cos its a compulsory course down here and guranteed to get me an 'A' grade just like the course - Women Studies last Fall @ UCB which bagged me another 'A'. that was obviously an elective that i enjoyed taking last semester with a super-cool prof named Judith Ede, its a pitty she's on sabbatical this Winter, i sure would love to take more courses with her.

Anyways, this critical skills course is taught by a definitely outgoing chick named Reem, yes chick is not so polite as in Asian/Arab/European/Western terms - maybe the conservative types of it, however i wish to stick to my flow of eccentric vocab when i feel like it.

Basically we were asked to keep a journal of the book we'd be readin this term which is none other than 'The Great Gatsby' and i decided that a blog would serve the purpose. I welcome all comments - don't blame me if other students decide to get all brainy and copy character and plot analysis off my blog. Anywayz i'll stop with the pointless ranting and get to bed cos i'm totally dead tired - my sleeping habbits are totally erratic - oh well, shit happens!

Keep it blogged buds!

I meant these are gonna' be journal entries now for the literature book we'll be reading... now now.... get off the keyboard :D